October 21, 2017


A typical broiler farmer of the collective is a rural woman from a disadvantaged community, hitherto dependent on rainfed agriculture and daily wages. Through systematic support at all stages of the enterprise, she gathers skills, infrastructure, inputs and marketing arrangements for a successful home-based broiler poultry unit.

  • She needs a minimum of one cent of land (435 sq ft), either her own or taken on lease.
  • She earns between 40,000–50,000 a year, for 200 days of part-time engagement.
  • Income is available to her in a regular stream of cash flow. It helps her to meet cash expenses as well as to build family assets.
  • The regular income enables her to negotiate a better deal for herself in her family and in society.
  • The income reduces migration and helps the family invest in existing resources such as land, which adds to the financial stability of the household.